Work from home jobs cuts down the cost of expenses. No more bills for office space, electricity bills, office desks and supplies, computers, and even coffee for the employees. This is an ideal setup especially for those who want to dive in to the industry. Startup companies and freelancers think of it as a great idea for employment.
Remote working opts to use an all-Internet workplace, in which the staffs can impeccably interact with each other. Though some people say those who are working from home cannot consistently reach their targets during the day. Acasa proves that productivity should not be compromised when working remotely.
This web application is developed with a gamified task-tracking facility that can be integrated with Asana. This can help managers or team leaders to monitor their employees via face detection. The face detection happens with the use of web cam. When the employee logs onto Acasa, the system will continuously monitor his facial features so that it can identify if he/she is active or inactive. 5-minutes of inactivity will be labeled as idle. This will be seen by the managers and can immediately call the attention of the employee thru chat.
Productivity will not be compromised if employees know they are being monitored by the system. Their tasks are also monitored. The system can calculate how many minutes or hours an employee spent before accomplishing the task. The final output and totality of the production of the whole team will be sent by the system at the end of day or shift.
You may log-on to Acasa at and register for a free account now. Try the cool features of this online workplace and it will surely change the way how you think about remote working, positively.
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